Turn to the South Roadtrip

Turn to the South Of the colombian mountains

Colombia's biodiversity can be equivalent to 20% of the planet's total

This is an amazing exploration of the less know part of the south of Colombia, that will take us from the capital of the country all the way to the south, from a semidesertic area in la Tatacoa, passing by the heart of where the three mountain ranges of Colombian mountains are born in San Agustin, a place full of arqueological mysteries, to the beginning of the Amazonian jungle in the low mountains of Putumayo region, and then trying to cross the high Andes above 3000 meters, area in which the volcanos and the indigenous agriculture paint kindly the landscape full of history and amazing nature.


Tatacoa Desert 

Betania Dam

San Agustín

Bota Caucana

End of the world

Death Route

Fraile Paramo

Sibundoy Valley

The Cocha Lagoon

Galeras Volcano

Lajas Sanctuary

Lagoon of the Greens

Chiles Volcano and Cumbal




Betania Dam

Bota Caucana

Death Route

Sibundoy Valley

Galeras Volcan

Los Verdes Lagoon


Tatacoa Desert

San Agustín

End of the World

Fraile Paramo

The Cocha Lagoon

Las Lajas Sanctuary

Chiles & Cumbal Volcan


We will Take you to:

  • Cross the entire south of the country by land, departing from Bogotá, passing through Neiva, San Agustín, Mocoa, Pasto, Popayán, ending in Cali to return to Bogotá.
  • Delight yourself with Colombian traditions. Along the way, we will make stops to get to know the culture, you will taste local food, many fruits and you can take photos.
  • Walk through the cozy town of Villavieja colonial houses. You will listen to their river stories, visit their paleontological museum and admire the species of ancient trees that exist in the place.
  • Visit the town of San Agustín. With the vestiges of an ancient culture, who were worshipers of the river as the mother of the territory. Its archaeological monuments as well as its nature of impressive waterfalls and the Magdalena River.
  • Delve into the beautiful and mysterious jungle in Putumayo.
  • Thrill with the impressive, narrow, jungle and sometimes risky road of death between Putumayo and Pasto that changes from 400 m and climbs up to 3200 m above sea level.
  • Visit the high mountains of southern Colombia in the department of Nariño, its volcanoes, lagoons and moors that reflect the ancestral culture of its indigenous people.
  • Enjoy the stories, culture, landscapes and gastronomy offered by Ciudad Blanca in Pasto.
  • Enjoy the stories, culture, landscapes and cuisine offered by Ciudad Blanca in Popayán.
  • Take ecotourism walks in the Putumayo jungle and in the mountains of Nariño. We invite you to ascend the Cumbal volcano to its 4,890 m and enjoy the surrounding paramo and lagoon.
  • Interact with local communities along the way.
  • Have a local guide in each of the places that are visited, to know the stories and local idiosyncrasy.


16 days


All Year


Comfortable mid-range Rural or City Hotels, a couple of higher-end rural options
Dificultad y actividad
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