Expedition to Choco

Expedition to Choco An Exotic and Unique experience

The rainiest place in the world located in Chocó, where a year it can rain 10 times more than in a middle place in the rest of the world.

El Chocó is a wild region of Colombia and a territory invaluable for its biodiversity. Because of its geographical location as the conduit between South and Central America it is home to a vast array of animal and plant species from both subcontinents. Its geographic variety ranges from high Paramo (alpine moorland) ecosystems in the Andean mountains to vast expanses of exuberant jungle. A large number of streams and rivers run from east to west, where they empty into the Pacific Ocean.

Beyond its rich fauna and flora, El Chocó is home to black people descendants from slaves, Afro-Colombians and indigenous people. Travelers who visit El Chocó have the privilege of experiencing a place of magnificent natural beauty that has remained largely isolated through the years.

Whale Watching

Bay Solano


PNN Ensenada de Utría

Beaches: Blanca, Chado y Juná

Indigenous communities

Jungle trek

Wildlife observation

Whale Watching


Beaches: Blanca, Chado y Juná

Jungle Trek

Bay Solano

Ensenada de Utría

indigenous community

Observation of Fauna and Flora

We will Take you to:

  • Visit the small fishing villages Nuquí and Bahía Solano, located on the Colombian Pacific coast. Where the humid jungle reaches the gray sand beach.
  • Feel the beautiful beaches with very long tides where some leave beaches of up to 300 m when they go down. We will accommodate you in a small ecolodge where you will enjoy the tranquility and be in permanent contact with nature.
  • Interact with the Afro-descendant and indigenous community in the area. You will learn about their culture and knowledge of the jungle. We will also try its cuisine, which is an incredible mix between jungle and sea.
  • Bathe in beautiful rivers and waterfalls of clean waters inside the jungle.
  • Marvel at the sighting of Yubarta or Humpback whales from Antarctica that come between May and October to procreate in Colombian waters.
  • Participate in the process of releasing sea turtles in danger of extinction at the hands of local conservationists who were previously their hunters.
  • Enjoy the tranquility of the Colombian Pacific beaches and its warm waters.
  • Get to know the Ensenada de Utría National Natural Park. You can enjoy the jungle, the mangroves, the tranquility and silence inside the cove where even the whales go to give birth.


4 days


All Year


Ecolodge type hotels on the beach.
Dificultad y actividad
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